Tips for Riding Your Motorcycle to Rocky Point Rally
Are you ready for 4 days of fun and fiesta just south of the Arizona border? It’s time for the 23rd annual Rocky Point Rally, billed as the “Greatest Motorcycle Fiesta Just South of the Border”. On the calendar for Nov. 9-12 this year, up to 10,000 bikers and their friends gathered in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico last year. But before you saddle up and head south, there are some things you need to know to make your trip more about salsa than about stress.

First and foremost, you’ll need Mexican motorcycle insurance if you are riding across the border. If you plan to trailer your bike and then ride it on the roads, you’ll need to purchase both Mexican car insurance and Mexican motorcycle insurance. Your U.S. insurance will not work once you cross the border. Luckily, you can find cheap Mexican motorcycle insurance online and purchase it before you leave – one less thing to cross off your list before you hit the border.
Why Should I Buy Mexican Motorcycle Insurance?
Mexico requires visitors who bring their motorcycles (or cars) with them to purchase Mexican insurance. Aside from that, if Mexican authorities find out you are driving without it, you may be subject of fines, and your bike impounded. If this circumstance happens because you’ve been involved in a wreck, the process could take a while to get settled.
How Much does Mexican Motorcycle Insurance Cost?
Fortunately, it’s not that expensive. The age and type of motorcycle and how long you will be staying are factors in your cost. Here are a couple of examples:
· Example 1: A 2023 HD valued at $20,000 and crossing at Lukeville on Nov. 9, coming back Nov. 14 with a $500 deductible and $1,000 deductible for theft will run you $122.
· Example 2: A 2020 HD valued at $15,000 and crossing in Arizona, Nov. 10-14 with a $500 deductible and $1,000 deductible for theft will run you $92.
Again, purchasing your insurance online will save you some time and money before you cross the border.
Where is the Rocky Point Rally?
Located on the shores of the breathtaking Sea of Cortez, the rally is in the city of Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point) in the northwest corner of the state of Sonora. Sonora is just south of the Arizona border. There are different ways to get to the destination, depending on where you are located. About 90% of rally attendees come from the southwestern part of the United States. Fortunately, the roads into and around Rocky Point are well maintained.
How Do You Get to Rocky Point?
Rocky Point is just 65 miles south of the border crossing at Lukeville, AZ. on Mexican Highway #8. This border crossing is closed from midnight until 6 a.m.
· From Arizona: Make your way to the Lukeville crossing on Hwy 85 south.
· From California and Southwestern Arizona: Cross the border at San Luis Rio Colorado, take Mexico Highway 2 East to Highway 003 to Santa Clara Gulf. From Santa Clara, it is about 1.5 hours to Rocky Point. This border crossing is open 24 hours and this route has a toll road in Mexico.
If you are riding across the border instead of trailering your bike, you may want to download the Border Wait Time app or just check it online to get an idea of how long you may be sitting and idling in the sun. You’ll want to make plans to cross at less busy times of the day.
Do I Need a Passport to Attend the Rocky Point Rally?
Yes! Not so much to cross the border from the U.S., but for crossing back into the states. To return to the U.S., you’ll need one of these documents:
· U.S. Passport
· U.S. Passport Card (only valid for travel by land and sea)
· Children under 16 arriving by land or sea my present an original or copy of birth certificate, Consular Report of Birth Abroad, or a Naturalization Certificate
· U.S. lawful permanent residents: Permanent resident card (Form I-551)
· U.S. Military: Valid U.S. Military identification card when traveling on official orders
What Other Documents Do I Need to Ride Across the Border?
Those traveling by iron stallion need to bring the original registration documents that show the bike’s VIN. Without this, your bike could be confiscated. Unfortunately, a copy will not do – you’ll need the original registration or a certified copy.
· Driver’s license
· Passport
· Registration or Title
It’s recommended to take copies of all your documents. You never know when a clerk may want one – and paying to get one at the border is crazy expensive and you may have to wait in line.
Note: If you are traveling solo and you must park and leave your bike at the border while you attend to some necessary (or unnecessary) request by an official, you have several options.
· Make a friend while in the line and do the buddy system to watch each other’s bikes.
· Pay a local who’ll be hanging around for just this reason to watch your bike.
· Never leave anything of value unattended.
Do I Need a Temporary Import Permit to Take My Motorcycle to Rocky Point?
No. Visitors can travel in the entire Baja Peninsula or Rocky Point without purchasing a Temporary Import Permit (TIP). A TIP allows visitors to register their vehicles (for a refundable fee) to avoid paying an import tax. You may ride in Rocky Point without one. However, if you plan to extend your trip and visit other places, purchase one online beforehand to avoid any trouble.
What to Take to Rocky Point and Where to Stay
Rocky Point is a quiet beachside resort town, except when the residents and businesses are welcoming thousands of loud motorcycles and partying bikers. As such, there are numerous hotels, condos, and beach rentals available. However, these fill up fast, so you’ll want to get your reservations in early. Consider our friends from Playa Bonita Hotel for your next stay, this is the official hotel for the event.
There are also RV parks for those who like to travel in style and camping on the beach in official campgrounds. Where you stay and how you plan to get there will drive what you bring.
Those coming in on bikes with saddlebags will be bringing the bare necessities (maybe a pair of clean underwear and socks?) Those who bring their RV can enjoy all the comforts of home (but don’t be surprised if you face an inspection when you cross the border). Those who trailer in will have some more room for coolers and such.
Be sure and bring a ready-to-have-a-great-time attitude!
What Not to Take to Rocky Point
Mainly, leave the weapons (even a small pocketknife) and ammunition at home. It’s a serious offense to bring these items into Mexico. Don’t bring large amounts of cash (anything over $10,000 US must be declared). Many of the small businesses in and around Rocky Point will accept your US debit or credit card.
Find Cheap Mexican Motorcycle Insurance Quotes Online
With over 75 years of experience helping travelers, our agents at Sanborn's Mexico Insurance will work with you to customize the coverage you need while driving into Mexico.
You can get a quick quote for car insurance online or call 800-222-0158. We also have offices all along the border in California, Arizona and Texas, so regardless of where you are crossing, you can stop in and get everything you need with an agent’s help. Visit with us today!